Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 159

Today is 159.
We unpacked our book bags.
We did morning work.
We had to find words.
Today was funny sock day.
Some friends didn't wear funny socks.
James wore his mom's socks.
Randy didn't wear crazy socks.

Mrs. V. wore crazy socks.
Mrs. V. loves crazy socks.
Tomorrow is inside out and backward day.
You can wear your clothes inside out and backwards.

We went to the calendar.
Luis was the teacher.
The date was 5-11-10.
That is May 11, 2010.
We have 21 more days in Kindergarten!
Then we will be first graders!
But after summer.
Big Briana came.
We added a yellow sun.

We made a list of all the things we can make a mess of.
We read Mouse Mess, again.
We wrote about a mess.
Cornella wrote about her mess.
She wrote about mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Melanie made a book about a mess.
Melanie read it to us.

We had reading group.
Ms. Washington was back.
They learned a new sound.
Only two o's.

We went to lunch.
Big Briana came with us.

We went to see our third grade friends.
We sang a song to them.
About math.
We subtracted for them.
We sang Five Little Ducks.
We love that song.
Tomorrow we will sing them the song about money.
And bubble gum.

Another friend came to visit us.
We don't remember his name.
He was nice.
He came from Big Briana's class.
He was funny.

We worked in centers.
Mrs. V. asked friends questions.
They read to her.
We worked quietly.
Ms. Gilmer came to check on us.
She checks on our class to see what we are doing.

Cornella read to her friends.

Mrs. V. went to a meeting.
We went to Art.
Ms. E. wasn't here.
Not everyone did the right thing.
We still earned four paws.
We didn't deserve it.

We went outside.
Mr. Cando was outside.
He cheered for people on the monkey bars.

We played musical chairs.
We packed our book bags.
We got water.
We had a good day.
Except for Art.
We are going to do better tomorrow.
We saw Briana's mom.
She was here for a meeting.
Briana calls her mom Amanda.


  1. Hi guys! I am a friend of Miss McClure and Mrs. Voight. I am a teacher, too! I checked out your blog today. Wow, you guys wrote a lot. You are such smart kids!! I would love to hear you sing the bubblegum song! I love bubblegum!
    Mrs. Swink

  2. I knew that your teacher liked crazy socks, they make her smile. I wonder what would happen if I wear my clothes inside out and backwards tomorrow... do you think people would notice? Do you think they would laugh at me? Should I try it??

  3. You had such a busy day, but I know you didn't leave your room messy like your story!

    Seeing your crazy socks makes me smile! Please share pictures of your inside out, backwards day. How neat for you to "have permission" to do that and at school!

    Thank you for your honesty! You said you "didn't deserve it (your four paws)." Being honest isn't always easy, but it is so important! I am very proud of you.

    I hope you'll share more of your songs. You are neat friends!


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