Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 162

Today is 162.
We didn't have morning work.
We watched books on the big TV.
We were on the floor.
We had swishy.

We went to the calendar.
We added a straw.
We added a purple foot to the calendar.
We added a tally mark.
We added a circle to Mr. Caterpillar.
He is 162 today.
We have 18 more days in Kindergarten.
When it is all done, it will be 180.

We went to the other floor.
We watched a mouse movie.
It was the same.
There was a mouse.
There was a motorcycle.
He could talk.
He had a car.
He had the same name.
His name was Ralph.
It was the same character.
It had the same old man.
It was different.
The boy was different.
They went to school.
They didn't live in a hotel.
There was a janitor.
We wrote about how the movie was the same or different or if we had a connection or what we liked the most.

We didn't have reading group.
Mrs. V. had to ask friends questions.
We worked in centers.
Tyrone, Cornella, Randy A., Melanie and James told Mrs. V. first grade words.
James got second grade words.
He knows 65 second grade words already!
Randy G. knows 3 more Kindergarten words!
Only 3 more to go for first grade words.

We went to lunch.
We had taco salad or pizza.
It was good.

We came back to the class.
We had bathroom time.
We went to sing to our friends.
We sang for them to do their best on the test.

We made that song up.
We came back to our class.
We worked in centers.
Mrs. V. asked friends more things.

We went to art.
Ms. E. wasn't here.
Five friends didn't get to go again.
Today was the last day to go.
Ms. E. was at the dentist.
Ms. Tucker was here.
We earned 4 paws!
There is no more specials.
There is no more reading group.

We packed our book bags.
We went outside.
We played on the patio.
We came inside to have water.
Jovany was the water helper.
We did the blog.
We had a good day!
Tomorrow is a home day!
No school.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
The end!


  1. What is swishy?

    I love Ralph S. Mouse! he is so cute.

    Have a wonderful weekend...

  2. It's so hot! Be careful out there!

    I'm sorry your "specials" have already stopped. When I taught music, I saw students until the last day of school!

    Congrats CATS!


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